Consistency Is Key – How To Get More Viewers On Twitch

Consistency - Get More Viewers On Twitch
Ever wonder how streams manage to grow faster than yours and get more viewers on twitch? There’s a key component to gaining the momentum to show up in the top row of the game you play. Consistency! As a game streamer, it’s kind of expected that you spend a lot of time gaming… But the time we spend building our underground home, storming the enemy base or camping the play area with only 7 survivors left isn’t always spent on a regular schedule. This is what makes streaming a challenge for those who strive to become a well known streamer. You can’t just show up when you get a free moment away from real life obligations and expect your viewers to be there.

Let’s Make A Comparison

Imagine a popular tv series. Let’s say… The Walking Dead. If you’re a fan of the series, you know the schedule. Usually new episodes are Sundays at prime time and it’s on for a hour with exception to premieres and finales. It goes without saying, you’re going to clear your schedule for that hour, at that time in order to see the show. In fact, if you’re a die hard fan you’re going to make sure everything else is scheduled around it. “NOTHING SHALL STOP ME FROM SEEING MY ZAMBIE SHOW!” Walking Dead Fans

You’re Expected To Be There!

So… Why provide any less for your viewers? You’re the show. They’re the audience. They need to know when you’ll be on and how long. If there’s something that upsets that schedule, they need to know. Post it to twitter, post it to your channel feed, maybe a quick video — something.

Start small, get big. Like a pe–… Pelican…

Trying to commit hours to specific days and times can be challenging. Just the thought alone can be daunting simply because we enjoy the freedom of gaming whenever we want or whenever we get the time, right? Trust me, I get it. Let’s not allow that huge channel-stomping stormcloud piss on our parade though. Take it a step at a time. Start small and build up to a schedule that doesn’t completely disrupt your life. If your lifestyle doesn’t allow a whole lot of time to stream — Try this. Take a small chunk of your week. Dedicate 2, maybe 3 days you can absolutely be on stream and throw a couple hours into it. Put it in your twitch panels, on your offline graphics and announce it on your feeds. Twitch Announcement Also, plan the game you’ll stream. And! Have a backup game. Servers go down, issues surface, games like No Man’s Sky are marketed as multiplayer… Things happen. Now, you’re probably thinking: 2 hours? Why only 2? I play WoW and it’s going to take a minimum of 4 hours just to get a raid party together! That’s fine. Check the Twitch history books — Nobody was ever disappointed by a stream going on longer than scheduled.

Now You’ve Got Their Attention!

It doesn’t matter that you only have 2-3 days scheduled. What matters is viewers know when to expect you online. They can plan to be in your channel when you’re live. That’s HUGE! On top of that, they know what game you plan to play. If they don’t like the game, they won’t be disappointed that you didn’t choose something they wanted to see because they’ve likely made a decision to either be there for the game or be there just to see you stream. Now you’re off to a promising start. Carry on with this for a couple weeks then it’s time to increase the days. This my friend — THIS… is where the streamers are separated from the uhh… dudes that only game. And don’t stream… All the time…

Do You Have What It Takes?!

Seriously. Once you get up to a weekly schedule that has you on stream nearly everyday, you’re going to either love it or hate it. Some people begin to feel “forced” to game at this point. Others take to it like a dog to a big stuffed animal… They LOVE IT! Dog Humping Toy That is something you’ll have to search within yourself for — find your character sheet and see if you put points into the Streamer class. If not, well then I guess we’ll see ya around! Buh-bye now. Enjoy the bottom of the leaderboards while streamers put the game hours in to be badass!